National Instruments - VME-PCI8022

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Getting Started with YourVXt VME PCI8022 and theNi VXi Software for Soiaris JuM 1997 Etiitton Pari NlfirM O Ccpyrliiltf 1997 Wional Imbutnitits Corponttoo All nonts tiaarwL mn tSaoport sopposcfnaeinst eoA E Diail InfoPnat Lnte FTP Site f ep n e inst ee U eb Address nctp w nstinat BiiIMn l irt Si Mrl BBS United States tS 2 79d S422 BBS United Kin toin CI63S SSt422 BBS Franc 01 48 65 IS 59 FaPBcDMlnd Suppvt S12 4 M II I llpl r 8i Hrt U 8 Tel SI2t 795 8248 Fjf lt 5121794 5678 MtfMlItnal Offini Ausirslis OS 9879 5166 Austria 0662 45 79 90 0 Belgiuio 02 757 OO 20 Canada t Oniario 190S 785 0085 Caittda lt QuHwc 1514 694 8521 Dceioark 4S 76 26 OO Finlaed 09 725 725 1 Fr ...